This short account of the Parish of Barton under Needwood does not pretend to go into any great depth, but merely to present some of the factors which have combined to shape the Parish as we know it. I have adopted a strictly geographical approach, bringing in some history where I felt it was appropriate. In the present context I have taken the term ” parish ” to mean the civil parish unless otherwise stated. My main purpose is to provide some simple information for the reader, and to open up new horizons for those who wish to delve further for themselves.
Having worked and lived in the village since 1958, I have developed a great affection for it. It is said that familiarity breeds contempt, and it is a fact that most of us tend to take things for granted. We are often too busy to appreciate what we have on our own doorsteps, so it is sometimes important to stand back a little and take an objective view of our surroundings. Only then can we fully appreciate the Parish in which we live.
Gerald Carey,
Earth has not anything to show more fair ;
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty.( Wordsworth )