Thomas Russell’s Will

Thomas Russell’s Will


I Thomas Russell Citizen and Draper of London being sicke and weak of bodye but of good and perfect memorye and remembrance thanks be therefore given to the Almighty God doe make and declare this my present testament conteyning therein my Last Will in manner and forme following that is to saye first and principally I bequeathe by soule into the handes of Almighty God my creator hoping and verily trusting and fully pursuading myselfe that in and by the merits deathe and passion of his sonne Christ Jesus and not by mine owne defects or merits I shall be an inheritor of life everlasting in the Kingdom of Heaven.

My bodye to be buryed in the parrishe churche of Sainte Edmond the Kinge in Lumberstreete in London under that stone where Jane my first wyfe and Jane my daughter lye buryed according to the discretion of mine executors herein named.

And as touching the disposition of all and singular my goods chattels cattell leases customarye landes and other things wherewith it hathe pleased God of his bounteous liberalitye and gracious goodness to give and endow me withall I will dispose give and bequeathe the same in manner and forme following that is to saye


First I give and bequeathe to the Governors of Christe’s Hospitall for and towardes the sustentation of the poore remayning and being in Christes’ Hospitall in London the some of five poundes of Lawfull money of England. And to the Governors of St. Bartholmewe’s in London for the releife of the poore remayning and being in St. Thomas’ Hospitall in Sowthwerke other five poundes.  All and every whiche saide severall somes of five poundes my mind and will is that be paide into the treasuries of the same severall hospitalls for and toward the releife of the saide poore within six moneths at the farthest after my decease.


I give and bequeathe for the setting free and discharging clearely owte of the counter of the Poultrye in London suche prisoners as lye in the same counter for thirtene shillings foure pence and not above the some of fifty three shillings and foure pence of Lawfull money of England to be paide within six monethes after my decease.


I give and bequeathe for the lyke and selfe same use last above mentioned for the free and cleere discharging of suche saide poore prisoners remayning in the counter of Woodstreete in London other fifty three shillings and foure pence to be paide within the saide time of six moneths as aforesaid.

(NOTE: The word COUNTER was the name used for prisons for debtors in the City of London).


I give and bequeathe for the releife of all the poore prisoners remayning and being within the prison of Ludgate forty shillings to be paide within six moneths after my decease for theire sustentation and releife.


I give and bequeathe to the poore prisoners in Newgate for and towards theire releife forty shillings to be paide within the saide space of six moneths as aforesaid.


I give and bequeathe to the poore prisoners remayning and being in the severall prisons of Kinge Benche and White Lyon in Sowthwerke for and towards theire releife the some of three poundes of Lawfull money of England that is to saye to the poore of either of the saide prisons thirty shillings to be paide them within six moneths after my decease as aforesaide.


I give and bequeathe unto and amongst the poore parrishioners inhabiting within the saide parrishe of St. Edmond the Kinge in Lumberstreete in London aforesaide forty shillings of Lawfull money of England to be distributed amongst them at the time of the solemnization of my funerall by mine executors hereunder named and the churchewardens of the parrishe churche as aforesaide or any twoe or three of them.


I further give and bequeathe unto the saide poore parrishioners of the parrishe aforesaide for and towards theire releife every yeare during the continuance of a certain lease hereunder by me given and bequeathed unto the Masters Wardens Brethren and sisters of the guilde or fraternitye in the honor of the blessed Marye the Virgin of the men of the mystery of Drapers within the Citye of London and others theire successors twoe loades of charcoles yearely for theire releife and to be distributed and delivered yearely between the feasts of All Saintes and the Birthe of our Lorde god to the saide poore by the master and wardens of the saide fraternitye of Drapers above specified for the time being or any twoe or three of them at theire discretions.


I give and bequeathe to my brother Lewes Russell the some of twenty poundes of Lawfull money of England to be paide unto him within one moneth after my decease.


I further give and bequeathe unto the saide Lewes Russell my brother all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the parrishe of Finchley in the County of Middlesex nowe in the occupation of the saide Lewes Russell and also all that my customarye lande with the appurtenances nowe also in the occupation of the saide Lewes Russell conteyning by estimation three acres or thereabowtes situate and being in the parrishe of Fryerne Barnett in the County of Middlesex to have and to hold the saide messuage or tenement and customarye lande with the appurtenances unto the saide Lewes Russell and his assignes for and during the terme of the naturall lyfe of the saide Lewes.  And after the decease of the saide Lewes Russell then I give and bequeathe and my minde and will is that the saide three acres of customarye lande or thereabowtes shall discende and come and wholly remaine and be unto Izabell Piddarke wyfe of Leonard Piddarke citizen and draper of London and to her heires and assignes for ever according to the custome of the manor of Fryerne Barnett aforesaide.


I give and bequeathe unto Margery Temple daughter of the saide Lewes Russell and wyfe of Thomas Temple of Barton-under-Needwoode in the County of Staffordshire yeoman five poundes of Lawfull money of England and to Joan Webb  the other of the daughters of the saide Lewes Russell and nowe wyfe of Thomas Webb neare Harrow-on-Hill in the saide County of Middlesex husbandman other five poundes of lyke money whiche severall somes of five poundes shall be paid unto them within halfe a yeare after my decease.


I give and bequeathe unto my sister Joane Bailye wyfe of Thomas Bailye of Marche Barne of the County of Staffordshire yeoman twenty poundes of Lawfull money of England to be paide unto her within six moneths after my decease.


I give and bequeathe unto Richard Bailey sonne of the said Thomas and Joane Bailey three poundes six shillings and eight pence of Lawfull money of England and to Margery Bailey sister of the saide Richard Bailey forty shillings of lyke money to be paide to them the saide Richard and Margery within one yeare after my decease.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide Leonard Piddarke three poundes six shillings and eight pence to be paide unto him within a moneth after my decease.


I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Piddarke sonne of the saide Leonard and Izabell three poundes six shillings and eight pence of Lawfull money of England and unto John Piddarke one other of sonnes of the saide Leonard and Izabell forty shillings of lyke money.  And unto Leonard Piddarke the younger sonne of the saide Leonard and Izabell twenty shillings whiche saide severall legacies to the saide Thomas John and Leonard Piddarke bequeathed I will and my minde is shall be paide to the saide Leonard Piddarke the father putting in sufficient securitye unto myne executors hereunder named as they shall lyke of for the payment of the saide severall legacies unto his saide children or to the survivors of them yf any shall happen to decease at the accomplishment of theire severall ages of twenty and one yeares or the ages of twenty and one yeares of suche of them as shall survive.


I give and bequeathe unto Russell Webb my godsonne sonne of the foresaide Thomas Webb and Joane the some of three poundes six shillings and eight pence to be paide unto him at the accomplishment of his age of twenty and one yeares or ells to be paide unto the saide Thomas Webb his father within a yeare after my decease bye the saide Thomas Webb putting in sufficient securitye unto my saide executors as they shall lyke for the payment thereof unto the saide Russell Webb at the accomplishment of his age of twenty and one yeares.


I give and bequeathe unto Adryan Surravia parson of the severall churches of Tatenell and Barton in the County of Staffordshire and the churchewardens of the saide churche of Barton for the time being or if the saide Adryan doe dye or otherwise departe with his saide benefice then to any other the parson of the saide churches and the churchewardens of Barton for the time being the some of fifty poundes of lawfull money for and towards the erection and building of one schole in the towne of Barton-under-Needwoode in the saide County of Staffordshire in suche lyke same sorte manner forme proportion and building as the schole lately erected at Highe Gate or Highe Barnett in the County of Middlesex is builded whiche schoole to be sufficient for the teaching of three score and tenne scholars at the least over and sufficient roometh and housing for the dwelling of the scholemaster and ussher to be appointed teachers for the same schoole whiche saide some of fifty poundes my will and minde and will is shall be paide unto the saide parson and churchewardens for the time being within three moneths after my decease yf they the saide parson and churchewardens for the time being shall and doe putt into sufficient securitye unto my saide executors at the delivery of the saide money for the building full finishing and erecting of the same schole in suche manner and forme in all respectes as is above limited and sett downe within one yeare after the receipt and payment of the saide some of fifty poundes or otherwise not.


I give and bequeathe to the master and wardens brethren and sisters of the guild or fraternitye in the house of the Blessed Marye the Virgin of the men of the mystery of the Drapers within the Citye of London and others whereof I am member the some of thirtene poundes six shillings and eight pence to be spent on a dynner uppon the daye of my buriall and also that my standing cuppe with cover gilte the bodye of the cupp being christall for a perpetuall memorye of me the same cupp to be delivered unto them uppon the same daye of my buriall.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the mystery aforesaide to theire successors master and wardens of the saide mystery for ever the some of twoe hundred poundes of Lawfull money of England to be lent freely to foure honest younge men whiche shall be free of the saide mysterye during the space of three yeares together and so from  three yeares to three yeares to other foure for ever withoute paying anything for the same saving onely to the clerk for making assurances for the same that is to saye to every of the same younge men fifty pounds apiece they the saide younge men and every of them putting into the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the saide mystery for the time being sufficient securitye for the repayment thereof at the end of the saide three yeares with suche further conditions as the bonds for monyes in lyke sorte delivered by the saide master and wardens are usually wonte to be made provided allwayes and my minde and will is that no younge man being or whiche shall be an honest householder or whiche nowe or at any time hereafter shall inhabite or dwell within Birchen Lane and being free of the mystery aforesaide shall be rejected or refused to drawe lotts for any of the saide severall somes of fifty poundes.


I give and bequeathe unto Agnes Harding my mayden servant the some of twenty poundes of Lawfull money of England and unto Edward Welch my man three poundes six shillings and eight pence unto John Harding my man also fifty shillings and unto Thomas Swingfeild also my man thirty shillings all whiche severall legacies to the saide Agnes Harding and Edward Welch John Harding and Thomas Swingfeild bequeathed I will shall be paide unto them within one yeare after my decease.


I further give and bequeathe to every of them the saide Edward Welch John Harding and Thomas Swingfeild one yeare of theire apprentishoode provided allways that if any of them the saide Edward Welch John Harding and Thomas Swingfeild shall not contynoue in my service untill the time of my decease that then the legacye of him or them so discontynouing my service shall surcease and not be paide.


I give and bequeathe unto every one of my men servants a blacke mourning cloke and unto my maide servant one blacke gowne of suche clothe and goodness as to my saide executors shall seeme meete and convenient.


I give and bequeathe forty black gownes to forty poore men and women that is to saye thirty of the saide gownes to be distributed and given to suche persons to whome mine executors shall think good whereof I will that suche persons as contynoue my workefolkes at the time of my decease shall be accompted in the number of the saide thirty not giving above one gowne to any one household of my saide workefolkes and the other tenne to be distributed and given to tenne other persons at the discretion of the saide master and wardens of the mysterye of the Drapers aforesaide.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide Leonard Piddarke draper one blacke gowne and to Izabell his wyfe one blacke gowne.


I give and bequeathe to the saide Lewes Russell one blacke cloke and to his wyfe one blacke gowne.


I give and bequeathe to my cosen William Merton one blacke gowne and to his wyfe one other blacke gowne.


I give and bequeathe to my sister Anne Houseman one blacke gowne.


I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Hill and to his wyfe and to either of them a blacke gowne.


I give and bequeathe unto Peter Blower citizen and scrivener of London one blacke gowne all and every whiche said gownes and clokes as above given and bequeathed to Leonard Piddarke and Izabell his wyfe Lewes Russell and his wyfe William Merton and his wyfe Anne Houseman Thomas Hill and his wyfe and Peter Blower I will shall be made of clothe that shall be worthe sixtene shillings the yarde and not under.


I give and bequeathe unto John Tighte grocer and Marye his wyfe and to either of them a blacke gowne of clothe of the price aforesaide.


I give and bequeathe unto Nathaniell Temple sonne of the saide Thomas Temple forty shillings to be paide him at the accomplishment of his age of twenty and one yeares or ells to the saide Thomas Temple his father within six moneths after my decease he the saide Thomas Temple putting in suche sufficient securitye to my saide executors as they shall well lyke of for the payment thereof unto the saide Nathaniell at the accomplishment of his age of twenty and one yeares.


I give and bequeathe unto my godsonne Thomas Hill sonne of Thomas Hill haberdassher forty shillings to be paide to his father for the behalfe of my saide godsonne within six moneths after my decease.


I give and bequeathe to Raphe Hill Elizabeth Hill Marye Hill Jane Hill William Hill and Sara Hill children of the saide Thomas Hill six poundes that is to saye to every of them twenty shillings to be paide to the saide Thomas Hill the father for the behalfe of the saide children within six moneths after my decease.


I give and bequeathe to my godsonne Phillipp Curtice twenty shillings to be paide to his father Phillipp Curtice merchant taylor for the behalfe of my saide godsonne within six moneths after my decease.


I give and bequeathe to Thomas Feake my godsonne sonne of WIlliam Feake gouldsmithe twenty shillings to be paide to my saide godsonne within six moneths after my decease.


I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Bailey my godsonne sonne of John Bailey of Finchley aforesaide fiftye shillings of Lawfull money of England to be paide unto him at the accomplishment of his age of twenty and one yeares or ells to his father John Bailey within one yeare after my decease he the saide John Bailey putting in sufficient securitye unto my saide executors for the payment thereof unto my saide godsonne at the accomplishment of his age of twenty and one yeares.


AND AS TOUCHINGE the disposition of all and singular my landes tenements and hereditaments whereof I am seised in fee within the Citye of London and severall countyes of Middlesex and Staffordshire I give dispose devise will and bequeathe the same in manner and forme following that is to saye first I give and bequeathe unto the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the guilde or fraternitye in the honour of the Blessed Marye the Virgin of the men of the mystery of Drapers within the Citye of London and others and theire successors master and wardens of the mysterye for the time being for ever all that my messuage or tenement called and known by the name of the Signe of the White Horse and all that my great warehouse to the saide messuage or tenement adjoyning situate and being in Birchen Lane in London nowe in the occupation of Henry Richardson citizen and draper of London for the whiche I receive yearely thirtene poundes and also all that plott of ground nowe used for the churcheyarde of the parrishe churche of St. Edmond the Kinge aforesaide for the whiche I receive yearly thirtene shillings and foure pence and also that my messuage or tenement with that appurtenance nowe in the occupation of Nicholas Alsopp merchant taylor called and knowne by the name of Signe of the Brushe situate and being in Towerstreete in the parrishe of All Saints Barking London for the whiche I receive yearely six poundes and twoe capons to have and to hold the saide messuage or tenement and warehouse with the appurtenance in Birchen Lane and the saide plott of grounde used for a churcheyarde and the saide messuage or tenement with the appurtenences in Towerstreet aforesaide and reversion and reversions of the same and every part thereof unto the saide master and warden brethren and sisters of the guilde or fraternitye in the honour of the Blessed Marye the Virgin of the men of the mystery of the Drapers aforesaide within the Citye of London and others theire successors master and wardens brethren and sisters of the saide mysterye for the time being for and to the uses intents and purposes hereafter mentioned and expressed.

That is to saye for the payment of ninetene poundes thirtene shillings and foure pence yearely for ever in forme following that is to say to thirtene poore members of the mysterye aforesaide suche as the saide master and wardens for the time being shall think to be in most necessitye every moneth monethly for ever according to the computation of the callender thirty twoe shillings and six pence of Lawfull money of England that is to saye to every one of the same thirtene poore persons twoe shillings and six pence for every moneth of the saide moneths at the hall of the mysterye aforesaide and to the Renter and Beadle belonging to the saide mysterye yearely for ever three shillings and foure pence and the saide twoe capons equally all the same to be paide and received at suche times as the rents reserved for the foresaide messuages or tenement warehouse and churcheyarde shall be received and if the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the mysterye aforesaide shall make wilfull defaulte in performing of all or any of the saide payments in the manner and forme aforesaide according to the tenor and true meaning of this my present last will and testament to be paide by the space of six moneths after suche time as the same oughte to be paide by the true meaning of this may last will and testament then my minde and will is that this my bequest and legacye made to the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the mysterye aforesaide shall mediately after suche wilfull defaulte cease and be voyde.

And then mediately after suche wilfull defaulte I wholly give and bequeathe all and every the saide severall messuages tenements warehouse and churcheyarde and premisses with the appurtenances by me hereby devised to the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the mysterye aforesaide unto the mayor and commaltye and citizens of the Citye of London governors of the possessions revennewes and goods of the hospitalls of Edward Late Kinge of England the sixte called Christe’s Bridewell and St. Thomas the Apostell and theire successors and assignes for ever uppon condition that they the saide mayor and commaltye citizens governors aforesaide and theire successors and assignes doe from thence forthe for ever paye and performe all and every the payments above herein limited to be paide by the master and wardens brethren and sisters of the saide mysterye of the Drapers in suche sorte manner and forme and at suche times as limited and appointed for the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the saide mysterye to performe and paye the same or within the space of six moneths after suche times and dayes as the same oughte to be paide by the limitations aforesaide.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide Richard Bailye sonne of the foresaide Thomas Bailye and Joane all and singular those landes tenements and hereditaments to me bargained and sould by the saide Thomas Bailye by indenture dated the thirtenthe daye of August A.D. 1591 and in the three and thirteyth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth.  This my bequest to beginne and take place at the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell whiche shall be in the yeare of our Lorde god one thousand five hundred foure score and sixtene yf the saide Thomas Bailye his heires executors and administrators or assignes or any of them shall make defaulte in payment unto mine executors hereunder named of all of any of the some and somes of money in the saide indenture limited to me to be paide according to the tenor and true meaning of the condition or proviso in the saide indenture contained and not otherwise to have and to hold all and every the saide landes tenements and hereditaments with all the appurtenances unto the saide Richard Bailye his heires and assignes to the onely use and behalfe of the saide Richard Bailye his heires and assignes for ever uppon condition that he the saide Richard Bailye his heires and assignes shall every yeare yearely from yeare to yeare for ever from and after the saide feast of St. Michaell whiche shall be in the yeare of our Lorde god one thousand five hundred foure score and sixtene well and truly paye or cause to be paide unto the severall churchewardens of the severall parrishe churches of Colton and Blifeild in the saide County of Stafford and to theire successors churchewardens of the saide severall parrishes for the time being the some of five poundes foure shillings of Lawfull money of England yearely at foure usuall feasts or terms in the yeare viz. at the feasts of the Annunciation of our Ladye Marye the Virgin the Nativitye of St. John Baptist St. Michaell the Archangell and the Birthe of our Lorde god or within six moneths next ensewing every of the same feast dayes by even persons that is to saye to the churchewardens of the saide parrishe churche of Colton and to theire successors churchewardens of the parrishe churche for the time being for ever fifty and twoe shillings yearely to be given and distributed by them in twelve peny worthe of breade on every Sondaye throughout the yeare accompting thirtene loaves to the dozen to the poore of the saide parrishe.  And to the churchewardens of the saide parrishe churche of Bliford and to theire successors churchewardens of the saide parrishe churche for the time being for ever other fifty and twoe shillings yearely to be lykewise given and distributed by them in breade to the poore of the saide parrishe in the forme as is aforesaide in full payment of the saide five poundes and foure shillings.


I give and bequeathe unto John Holland the younger of Barton-under-Needwood in the saide County of Staffordshire gentleman all and every  suche landes tenements rents reversion and reversions and hereditaments whatsoever situate and being in Barton in the saide County of Staffordshire whiche the saide John Holland by his indenture of bargaine and sale bearing date the eightenthe daye of Maye A.D. a thousand five hundred eighty six and in the eighte and twentithe yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth did bargaine and sell unto me to have and to hold all and every the same landes tenements rents reversion and reversions and hereditaments whatsoever unto the saide John Holland the younger his heires and assignes to the onely use and behalfe of the saide John Holland the younger his heires and assignes for ever uppon and under this condition that he the saide John Holland the younger his heires executors or assignes shall within six moneths after my decease pay unto my saide executors at the newe dwelling house of me the saide Thomas Russell in Lumberstreete in London the some of one hundred foure score and tenne poundes of Lawfull money of England in full discharge of all suche some and somes of money whiche the saide John Holland is indebted and dothe give unto me either by bill bonde specialitye or otherwise.


I further give and devise and bequeathe and my minde and will is that if the saide John Holland shall fayle in payment and not paye unto my saide executors the saide some of one hundred foure score and tenne poundes within six moneths after my decease as aforesaide that then the bequest and gifte as aforesaide bequeathed and given to the saide John Holland shall cease and that then and imediately from thenforthe my saide executors shall have and enjoye to them and theire heires for ever all and every the saide landes tenements rents reversion and reversions and hereditaments to the performance of this my last will and testament.


I give and bequeathe to the master and wardens brethren and sisters of the guilde or fraternitye in the honor of the Blessed Marye the Virgin of the men of the mystery of the Drapers within the Citye of London and others theire successors and assignes all that my lease bearing date the tenthe daye of February in twelveth yeare of the reigne or our saide Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth made and granted by the Right Honorable Thomas Sackvile Lorde Buckhurst and Henry Wrest citizen and carpenter of London and Marye his wyfe conteyning a demise of three tenements situate and being in Thames Streete in the parrishe of St. Marye Somerstreet London and all my estate righte tithe interest reversion and reversions claime terme and termes of yeares to come and demand of in and to the same and every parte and parcell thereof to have and to hold the saide lease and all my saide estate righte tithe interest reversion and reversions clayme terme and termes of yeares to come and demand of in and to the same and every parte and parcell thereof unto the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the guilde or fraternitye aforesaide and theire successors for the time being and theire assignes to the intent and purpose that with the rents and proffitts thereof they shall yearely distribute or cause to be distributed twoe lodes of charcoles amongst the poore of the parrishe of St. Edmond the Kinge in Lumberstreet in London according as I have to them bequeathed and if any surplus of the rent shall be or any money made of fynes for leases I will charge and appointe the saide master and wardens brethren and sisters of the mystery aforesaide and their successors and assignes to distribute the same yearely according to theire discretions to and amongst the poore people whiche for the time being shall inhabite and dwell in the Alme Houses belonging to the mystery aforesaide in Beche Lane in London.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide Anne Houseman all that my messuage or tenement called and knowne by the name of the signe of the Crowne situate lying and being in the parrishe of St. Leonards Shordiche in the saide County of Middlesex nowe in the occupation of the saide Anne Houseman to have and to hold the saide messuage or tenement with the appurtenance unto the saide Anne Houseman and her assignes for and during the terme of her natural lyfe for the yearely rent of foure poundes of Lawfull money of England to be paide at foure termes or feasts in the yeare usuall that is to saye at the feasts of the Annunciation of Our Ladye Marye the Virgin the Nativity of St. John Baptist St. Michaell the Archangell and the Birthe of our Lorde god or within eighte and twenty dayes next ensewing every of the same feast dayes by even persons.


I give and bequeathe unto Robert Russell citizen and draper of London all those my messuages or tenements landes and hereditaments with the appurtenance called or knowne by the name of the Crowne Rents situate lying and being in the saide parrishe of St. Leonard in Shorditche in the saide County of Middlesex and the reversion and reversions of the same and every parte and parcell thereof to have and to holde all and every the saide messuages or tenements landes and hereditaments and the reversion and reversions of the same unto the saide Robert Russell his heires and assignes to the onely use and behalfe of the saide Robert Russell his heires and assignes for ever uppon and under this condition that he the saide Robert Russell his heires and assignes shall every yeare yearely from yeare to yeare for ever well and truly satisfye and paye or cause to be satisfied and paide unto Benedicte Barneham citizen and alderman of London and others and theire heires and assignes one annuitye or yearely rent of fifty poundes tenne shillings of Lawfull money of England in suche manner and forme and at suche termes of feasts in the yeare as the same should or oughte to be paide by virtue of one deede pole or writing of annuitye thereof by me the saide Thomas Russell made and granted unto the saide Benedicte Barneham and others bearing the date the sixt daye of this instant moneth of July or within six moneths at the furthest next ensewing every of the same feast dayes by even persons at the foresaide messuage or tenement called and knowne by the name of the signe of the Crowne the same being there lawfully demanded and if in case the saide Robert Russell his heires or assignes shall not every yeare yearely from yeare to yeare for ever well and truly satisfy content and paye or cause to be satisfied contented and paide unto the saide Benedicte Barneham and others in the saide deede of Annuity specified of theire heires or assignes the saide annuitye or yearely rent of fifty poundes tenne shillings at the saide termes or feasts in whiche the same oughte to be paide or within the saide space of six moneths next ensewing every of the same feast dayes at the place aforesaide the same being there lawfully demanded then my minde and will is that the gifte and bequest as above given and bequeathed to the saide Robert Russell shall cease and that then and ymediately from and after suche defaulte of payment so had or made I devise give and bequeathe all and every the saide messuages or tenements landes and hereditaments with appurtenances called or knowne by the name of the signe of the Crowne Rents unto the saide Richard Bailey sonne of the foresaide Thomas and Joane Bailey and to his heires and assignes uppon condition that he the saide Richard Bailey his heires and assignes doe in all respectes from yeare to yeare for ever well and truly satisfye and paye the saide annuitye or yearely rent of fifty poundes tenne shillings in suche lyke manner and forme as the saide Robert Russell his heires or assignes shoulde or oughte to have satisfied and paide the same and if the saide Richard Bailey his heires or assignes shall not every yeare yearely from yeare to yeare for ever well and truly satisfye and paye the saide annuitye or yearely rent of fifty poundes tenne shillings in manner and forme above limited and declared according to the intent and true meaning of this my present last will and testament then my minde and will is that the gifte and bequest of the saide landes tenements and hereditaments called the Crowne Rents to the saide Richard Bailey his heires and assignes given and bequeathed shall cease and that then imediately from and after suche defaulte of payment so had or made by the saide Richard Bailey his heires and assignes I wholly give and bequeathe all the saide messuages or tenements landes and hereditaments called Crowne Rents unto the righte heires of me the saide Thomas Russell for ever.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide Leonard Piddarke and Izabell his wyfe all that my garden or garden plott and the house thereuppon builte with the appurtenances situate lying and being in the parrishe of Sainte Bottolphe withoute Bisshoppesgate of London and nowe in the occupation of Hannam Widowe to have and to hold the saide garden and garden plott and house thereuppon builte with the appurtenances unto the saide Leonard Piddarke and Izabell his wyfe and to the heires and assignes of the saide Izabell for ever.


I give and bequeathe unto Robert Stokes citizen and draper of London the reversion and reversions imediate expectant from and after the deathe or decease of the saide Lewes Russell my brother of and in all that my messuage or tenement with the appurtenance situate lying and being in Whetstone Streete in the saide parrishe of Finchley before by me given and bequeathed unto the saide Lewes Russell for the terme of his naturall lyfe to have and to hold the saide messuage or tenement with the appurtenance and the reversion and reversions of the same mediatelye expectant from and after the deathe or decease of the saide Lewes Russell as foresaide unto the saide Robert Stokes his heires and assignes for the onely use and behalfe of the saide Robert Stokes his heires and assignes for ever.


I further give and bequeathe unto the saide Robert Stokes all that my lease estate interest and terme of yeares of and in all that my messuage or tenement shopp and premisses nowe in the occupation of me the saide Thomas Russell situate and being in Lumberstreete in the saide parrishe of St. Edmond the Kinge in Lumberstreete aforesaide to me made and granted by John Wilkinson of White Roding in the County of Essex gentleman to have and to hold all that my lease estate interest and terme of yeares of and in all that my messuage or tenement shopp and premisses aforesaide unto the saide Robert Stokes his executors administrators and assignes for and during all the residue to come and unexpired of the terme of yeares by the saide lease granted uppon and under this condition that the saide Robert Stokes his heires executors administrators or assignes or one of them shall well and truly paye or cause to be paide unto mine executors hereunder named at the messuage or tenement aforesaide the some of forty poundes of good and Lawfull money of England within the time and space of six moneths next after my decease and if the saide Robert Stokes his heires executors administrators or assignes shall not paye unto my said executors the saide some of forty poundes within the saide space of six moneths after my saide decease according to the limitation aforesaide that then my minde and will is that the gift and bequest of the saide lease to the saide Robert Stokes shall cease and then I wholly give and bequeathe the same lease and all my saide estate terme and interest thereon unto my saide executors to and for the performance of this my present last will and testament.


I give and bequeathe unto the saide Robert Russell all those my three severall messuages or tenements with all and singular theire appurtenances nowe in the severall tenures or occupations of John Ellis laborer William Farrer yeoman and John Hollins blacksmithe lying and being in the parrishe of Finchley in the saide County of Middlesex and also all that my other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in East Barnett in the saide County of Middlesex nowe in the occupation of one Thomas Wyes and all that my estate righte tithe interest reversion and reversions hereditament clayme and demande whatsoever of in and to the saide foure messuages or tenements and every of them and every parte and parcell thereof to have and to holde the saide three messuages or tenements in the parrishe of Finchley aforesaide and the saide messuage or tenement in East Barnett with all and singular theire appurtenances and the reversion and reversions of the same and of every of them unto the saide Robert Russell his heires and assignes to the onely use and behalfe of the saide Robert Russell his heires and assignes for ever.


I will and devise and my intent minde and meaning is that my executors hereunder named shall within convenient time after my decease to the best most and greatest benefit and advantage that they can or maye make sale and sell unto any person or persons and theire heires all those cottages close and meadowe called Bruckhouse Feild also Bruckhouse Closes lying and being in Dunstall in the County of Staffordshire and fee of Barton aforesaide and all other landes tenements and hereditaments whatsoever to me the saide Thomas Russell bargained and sold by the saide Robert Stokes by indenture dated the foure and twentith of Aprill A.D. thousand five hundred ninety one and in the three and thirteth yeare of the Reigne of our saide Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth all and every whiche some and somes of money whatsover for whiche the saide cottages closes meadowe and premisses shall be so sould and whiche shall be received by vertue of the saide sale and all the residue of my saide goods and chattells by me not otherwise particularly bequeathed in this my will my minde will intent and meaning is I fully and absolutely give devise and bequeathe the same and every parte thereof unto and amongst my brothers and sisters children and theire children whiche shall be living at the time of my decease parte and parte lyke equally to be devided amongst them according to the discretion of my overseers and executors hereunder named.


I give and bequeathe unto Agnes Jackson widowe forty shillings of Lawfull money of England to be paide unto her within three moneths after my decease if she be then living.


I give and bequeathe unto my goddaughter Alice Mosse daughter of one John Mosse the some of forty shillings of Lawfull money of England to be paide unto her at the accomplishment of her age of twenty and one yeares or daye of marriage whiche shall first happen or all to her saide father for her behalfe within six moneths after my decease he putting sufficient securitye unto my saide executors for the payment thereof unto the saide Alice Mosse at the accomplishment of her age of one and twenty yeares or daye of marriage whiche shall first happen.


I give and bequeathe unto Elizabeth Sherratt my goddaughter twenty shillings to be paide unto her at her accomplishment of the age of one and twenty yeares or daye of marriage which shall first happen or ells to her father Hughe Sherratt within six moneths after my decease he putting in sufficient securitye for the payment thereof unto the saide Elizabeth at her accomplishment of her age of twenty and one yeares or daye of marriage whiche shall first happen.


I give and bequeathe unto ___________ Sutton my goddaughter of Henry Sutton mercer deceased thirty shillings of Lawfull money of Englande nowe resting in the handes of Arthur Francke her father in lawe.

 ITEM 53

I further will and devise and my intent minde and meaning is that if the saide some of fifty poundes as above given and bequeathed for the building of the saide schoole and schoolehouse shall not be sufficient for the full finishing and erecting thereof in suche manner and forme as is above by me limited that then my saide executors shall from time to time disburse and laye owte of the suplussage of my saide goods and chattells all suche some and somes of money as the building erecting and making of the saide schoole and schoolehouse shall amounte and come to.


And executors of this my last will and testament I make ordayne nominate and appointe my trusty and welbeloved frendes the saide Benedicte Barneham citizen and alderman of London and the saide Thomas Hill haberdassher hoping that they and either of them will in all respectes execute discharge and performe the same according to my true intent and meaning and according to the trust and confidence by me in them reposed to whom for theire paynes in executing thereof I give and bequeathe the some of forty poundes that is to saye to either of them twenty poundes and to the saide Benedicte Barneham and _________ his wyfe and to either of them a mourning gowne of such clothe and goodness as the saide Benedicte Barneham shall think meete and convenient.


And overseers of the same my last will and testament I nominate and appointe Henry Butler citizen and draper of London the saide Lewes Russell my brother the saide Robert Stokes and Leonard Piddarke desyring them to be ayding and assisting unto my saide executors in the performance and execution thereof in all respectes according to my true intent and meaning herein as aforesaide and for the paynes of the saide Henry Butler to be taken therein I give and bequeathe to the saide Henry Butler and his wyfe and to either of them a blacke gowne of suche clothe and goodness as by the discretion of my saide executors shall be thoughte convenyent and also to either of them a ringe of gould of suche value as my saide executors also shall thinke convenyent for a perpetuall memorye of me.


In wittnesse whereof to bothe partyes of this my present last will and testament being bothe of one tenor I the saide Thomas Russell have putt my hande and seale uppon the seaventh day of Julye A.D. a thousand five hundreth ninety three and in the five and thirteth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of England France Ireland defender of the faithe etc. in the prescence of those whose names are hereunder written Thomas Russell sealed subscribed and delivered by the saide Thomas Russell in the presence of William Whitmore Richard Rogers Peter Blower scriptors.

( No punctuation has been added, and there have been no changes to the spelling. Numbers have been added to the ITEMS for ease of reference ).