I would like to give special thanks to Mr.N.W.J.Adams (past Headmaster), for his valuable help in scrutinising the text, to Mr.G.P.Gallie (present Headmaster), for providing material from the school archives and writing an account of the recent changes in the work and character of the school, to Mrs.B.M.Elson ( past School Secretary ), for her memories of the first year of the school, and to Mrs.M.Firth ( Staff Office ), for all the valuable help and assistance she has given towards the production of this booklet.
I would also like to thank all the following people for providing, correcting or confirming information about the school, or for helping in some other way :-
- Mr.P.L.Halliday, Past Head of Art.
- Mr.G.S.Joiner, Head of Sixth Form.
- Mr.V.Evans, Head of Physical Education.
- Mrs. A.Morgan, Past member of Staff.
- Miss G.Yeomans, Senior Administrative Officer.
- Mrs.M.Saddington, Clerk to the Parish Council.
- The Staffs of Barton Library and Barton Youth Centre.
- Mrs.M.C.Collins, Principle Administrative Officer (Development), Staffordshire Education Department.
- Mr.I.D.Bakewell, Senior Architect,
- County Property Services, Stafford.